Dr. Robert Fleuter
IT law
Software agreements, IT project management
- Ongoing counselling for user organizations in the field of
- Software licenses
- Software support
- Outsourcing / Hosting / Services
- Software Development
- Software consulting
- Large-scale IT projects
- Designing and negotiating of project agreements
- Negotiating support for closing deals based on many years of negotiating experience, in particular in ORACLE and SAP environments
License compliance / audit protection
for user organizations in relation to vendors such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft
Software audit protection for user organizations
Supporting user organizations in software audit situations and with license management services with the consulting package auditprotect, which is designed for protecting users against unjustified claims raised by big vendors and for optimization of their software portfolio.
Oracle Java software with cost explosion
The business press also recognises the problem and the „Handelsblatt“ discusses the pressure on companies with reference to auditprotect and our statements. Here is the link
- to the complete article in the „Handelsblatt“
- to our guide to defence, with commercial-legal aspects: